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News Article

Thank You for Joining Us at Anime Boston 2014!!

Anime Boston 2014 was a roaring success.  Our total attendance this year was 25,493 warm bodies (72,457 turnstile).

We're thrilled that all of you could come and continue to make Anime Boston the largest convention in the northeast US. You are what makes this convention special, and it wouldn't be here without you!

Anime Boston would also like to thank all of you for helping us to raise $18,310.55 to help the National MS Society through our auction, raffle, ball and new video game tournament. Lets do this again next year!

We hope you'll join us for Anime Boston 2015!  It will be from April 3 -5, 2015 at the Hynes Convention Center and Sheraton Hotel in Boston.  Information for Anime Boston 2015 will begin to surface in the upcoming months.